Do Brasil247

Revista americana, que todos os anos elabora a lista das pessoas mais ricas do mundo, desmente, oficialmente, rumores sobre a riqueza do ex-presidente Lula e de seu filho Fábio Luís Lula da Silva, o Lulinha; Lula destacou a notícia em sua página no Facebook; na internet, mentiras sobre o patrimônio de ambos têm sido disseminadas há vários meses; entre os políticos brasileiros, o único bilionário é Guilherme Leal, que foi vice na chapa de Marina Silva em 2010 e é um de seus principais apoiadores
Revista americana, que todos os anos elabora a lista das pessoas mais ricas do mundo, desmente, oficialmente, rumores sobre a riqueza do ex-presidente Lula e de seu filho Fábio Luís Lula da Silva, o Lulinha; Lula destacou a notícia em sua página no Facebook; na internet, mentiras sobre o patrimônio de ambos têm sido disseminadas há vários meses; entre os políticos brasileiros, o único bilionário é Guilherme Leal, que foi vice na chapa de Marina Silva em 2010 e é um de seus principais apoiadores
247 - Agora é oficial: o ex-presidente Lula não é um bilionário. Nem ele, nem seu filho Fábio Luís Lula da Silva, o Lulinha. O rumor foi desmentido pela própria revista Forbes, que, todos os anos, elabora a lista das pessoas mais ricas do mundo. Lula destacou a notícia em sua página no Facebook:
Is Lula, Brazil's Former President, A Billionaire?
A dear reader asked me if FORBES has investigated the fortune of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Brazil’s former president.
I would like to take this opportunity to explain FORBES’ methodology to compile fortunes. FORBES published the first world’s billionaires list 27 years ago. At that time, Japanese Yoshiaki Tsutsumi was the world’s richest and there were 140 billionaires worldwide. This year, FORBES published the world’s billionaire list on March, boasting all-time high 1,426 billionaires worldwide.
FORBES has reporters all over the world valuing individuals’ assets, such as real estate, art, yachts, cash and obviously stakes in public and private companies. We attempt to vet these numbers with all billionaires. Some cooperate; others don’t. We also consult an array of outside experts in various fields. Throughout the year our reporters meet with the list candidates and their handlers and interview employees, rivals, attorneys and securities analysts. Sometimes reporters travel to meet billionaires or even fly with them, like San Francisco-based Ryan Mac did with GoPro founder Nick Woodman. Our work can also be very tedious; Caleb Melby, member of the FORBES wealth team based in New York, states “I read SEC documents like it’s my job. Because it’s my job.” Luisa Kroll and Kerry Dolan are the two editors who oversee all FORBES global wealth coverage and ultimately sign off on the final ranks of the world’s billionaires. They have been tracking the world’s wealthiest people for over 15 years. More details about FORBES methodology here.
Some billionaires publicly do not agree with FORBES’ valuation. An emblematic case is that of Prince Alwaleed, who is threatening to sue Forbes over an article that raised questions about his net worth. Basically, Prince Alwaleed, the nephew of King Abdullah and grandson of Saudi Arabia’s founder, apparently wanted to be part of FORBES top 10 richest and was very disappointed that FORBES ranked his net worth as “only” $20 billion, making him the world’s #26 richest person.
Some other billionaires, including Brazilian ones, react differently to FORBES world’s billionaire list. They would rather not be present in the list alleging security concerns. A few have reached us directly and asked to have their names removed. However, if our in-depth research reveals someone is a billionaire, we will keep his or her name on the list unless the person belongs to a royal family or is a dictator who derive their fortunes as a result of their position of power. That does not mean we run away from fire and we expose some outrageous stories, such as How An African ‘Princess’ Banked $3 Billion In A Country Living On $2 A Day. Sometimes FORBES also explains why a name is not on the list. (See: Here’s Why Janet Jackson Is Not On Our Billionaires List).
After having explained our methodology, I would like to highlight that although there are some billionaires who are politicians, Lula is not one of them. Otherwise, he would, obviously, be present in FORBES annual list. A few examples of politicians who are billionaires: Sebastian Piñera, Chile’s president is worth $2.5 billion, and Michael Bloomberg, mayor of New York City is worth $27 billion.
After stepping down as Brazil’s president, Lula received about $100,000 for a 50 minutes speech to LG in 2011. He has also given speeches to Microsoft MSFT +7.32%, Tetra Pak, and has been paid by Brazil’s top construction companies, such as Odebrecht, to travel to six nations in Africa and give speeches to local executives. However, there is no evidence suggesting that Lula is close to becoming a billionaire.
Lula’s son Fabio Luis Lula da Silva, nicknamed Lulinha, has not (yet) become a billionaire either. Recently, Lula has publicly denied rumours that Lulinha owns a $50 million jet and is one of the owners of JBS, the world’s largest beef producer by sale, with market cap of over $10 billion. Before his father was elected Brazil’s president Lulinha worked as an intern in a zoo. In 2004, a year after Lula’s first election, Lulinha launched Gamecorp, a company that produced content for TV and internet. In 2005, Gamecorp received over $2.3 million from Telemar, today known as Oi OIBR +5.3%. Even though Lula himself stated that his son was the “Ronaldinho of the business world,” Gamecorp has not been doing very well and its losses have added up to over $4 million. There has been a lot of rumours about the wealth of Lula’s family but nothing based on any real facts.
From the 46 Brazilian billionaires listed on FORBES world’s billionaires list this year, the most active in politics is Guilherme Leal, worth $1.8 billion. Leal made a fortune helping turn Natura, Brazil’s version of Avon, into a multibillion-dollar business. He resigned from Natura to run as the Green Party candidate for vice president in the 2010 Brazilian presidential election but he did not win. Today, Leal is also contributing on new ways of doing business as part of the B Team, with Richard Branson,Professor Mohammad Yunus, Arianna Huffington, Ratan Tata and other big names.
Another Brazilian billionaire who did not succeed in politics as he did in business is Antonio Ermirio de Moraes, ranked the 74th richest worldwide. Moraes, 85, lost a bid for governor of São Paulo State in 1986.
In Brazil, there is a general consensus that corruption is widespread and that there is big money involved in politics. In fact, one of the main reasons why so many Brazilians have taken to the streets recently was to protest against the prevalent corruption. Giuliano Mazzantini, commented the post where I describe fun facts about the 46 Brazilian billionaires, “I’m sure that the list will increase if FORBES investigates some of the Brazilians politicians’ bank accounts. But it will take a bit of work, because the accounts are mostly in tax havens.”
It is widely known that the current government has helped many Brazilian billionaires, notably Eike Batista, mainly through BNDES, Brazil’s National Development Bank. However, Leal is the only Brazilian billionaire who is involved with politics on a full time basis. FORBES is always trying to uncover new information and out new billionaires. Tips and leads to new billionaires, politicians or not, are always welcome.
247 - Agora é oficial: o ex-presidente Lula não é um bilionário. Nem ele, nem seu filho Fábio Luís Lula da Silva, o Lulinha. O rumor foi desmentido pela própria revista Forbes, que, todos os anos, elabora a lista das pessoas mais ricas do mundo. Lula destacou a notícia em sua página no Facebook:
O site da revista americana Forbes publicou hoje um texto (em inglês) que afirma que "Tem havido uma série de rumores sobre a riqueza da família de Lula, mas nada baseado em fatos reais". O texto explica a metodologia usada pela revista para fazer o ranking de bilionários e afirma que Lula e seu filho não estão nela. O blogueiro Renato Rovai publicou um texto em português sobre essa matéria
Leia, abaixo, a matéria de Renato Rovai sobre o tema:
Revista Forbes: Lula e Lulinha não são bilionários e vice de Marina é o único político no ranking
Nesta sexta-feira, 23, a revista Forbes publicou um texto, assinado pelo colaborador Ricardo Geromel, que na sua apresentação “afirma que cobre bilionários e tudo relacionado ao Brasil”. Na nota, intitulada Is Lula, Brazil’s Former President, A Billionaire? (Lula, ex-presidente do Brasil, é um bilionário?), Geromel explica a metodologia da revista para elaborar o seu ranking de bilionários e aborda as insinuações de que Lula e seu filho, Lulinha, seriam bilionários.
“Depois de ter explicado a nossa metodologia, gostaria de destacar que, embora existam alguns bilionários que são políticos, Lula não é um deles. Caso contrário, ele teria, obviamente, que estar presente na lista anual da Forbes. Alguns exemplos de políticos que são bilionários: Sebastian Piñera, presidente do Chile, US$ 2,5 bilhões; e Michael Bloomberg, prefeito de Nova York, US$ 27 bilhões”, escreveu Geromel.
“Depois de deixar o cargo de presidente do Brasil, Lula recebeu cerca de US $ 100.000 para um discurso de 50 minutos, da LG, em 2011. Ele também deu palestras para a Microsoft e para a Tetra Pak, e foi pago pelas maiores empresas de construção do Brasil, como a Odebrecht, para viajar por seis nações da África e dar palestras para os executivos locais. No entanto, não há evidência que sugere que Lula esteja perto de se tornar um bilionário”, esclarece o colaborador da Forbes. A assessoria o ex-presidente tem informado que parte desses recursos teriam sido destinados ao Instituto Lula e não a ele pessoa física.
Apesar dos insinuações que circulam em redes sociais de que Lulinha, filho de Lula, teria comprado um jato de US$ 50 milhões e que seria um dos donos do Grupo JBS-Friboi, o texto publicado pela Forbes afirma que nenhum dos rumores sobre a riqueza da família do ex-presidente são baseados em fatos reais.
“O filho de Lula, Fábio Luis Lula da Silva, apelidado de Lulinha, não se tornou (ainda) um bilionário também. Recentemente, Lula negou publicamente os rumores de que Lulinha é dono de um jato de US$ 50 milhões e que é um dos donos do JBS, o maior produtor mundial de carne bovina, por venda, com capital de mercado em US$ 10 bilhões. Antes que seu pai fosse eleito presidente do Brasil, Lulinha trabalhou como estagiário em um zoológico. Em 2004, um ano após a primeira eleição de Lula, Lulinha lançou a Gamecorp, empresa que produziu conteúdo para TV e internet. Em 2005, a Gamecorp recebeu mais de US$ 2,3 milhões da Telemar, hoje conhecida como Oi. Mesmo que o próprio Lula tenha afirmado que seu filho era o “Ronaldinho do mundo dos negócios”, a Gamecorp não foi muito bem e suas perdas já somaram mais de US$ 4 milhões. Tem havido uma série de rumores sobre a riqueza da família de Lula, mas nada baseado em fatos reais”, diz o texto.
Geromel ainda enfatiza que o único brasileiro presente na lista de bilionários da Forbes que lida com política “em tempo integral” é Guilherme Leal, que fez fortuna com a Natura, famosa empresa do setor de cosméticos. Leal foi candidato pelo PV à vice-presidência da República em 2010. Entretanto, antes de oficializar sua candidatura se desligou da Natura.
Por fim, o colaborador da Forbes comenta sobre a ajuda que o governo brasileiro tem dado a bilionários através do BNDES, como o empresário Eike Batista, e afirma que dicas sobre novos bilionários, políticos ou não, são sempre bem-vindas.
Só para constar, Forbes é uma revista liberal dos EUA.
Leia, ainda, o texto da Forbes, em inglês:“Depois de ter explicado a nossa metodologia, gostaria de destacar que, embora existam alguns bilionários que são políticos, Lula não é um deles. Caso contrário, ele teria, obviamente, que estar presente na lista anual da Forbes. Alguns exemplos de políticos que são bilionários: Sebastian Piñera, presidente do Chile, US$ 2,5 bilhões; e Michael Bloomberg, prefeito de Nova York, US$ 27 bilhões”, escreveu Geromel.
“Depois de deixar o cargo de presidente do Brasil, Lula recebeu cerca de US $ 100.000 para um discurso de 50 minutos, da LG, em 2011. Ele também deu palestras para a Microsoft e para a Tetra Pak, e foi pago pelas maiores empresas de construção do Brasil, como a Odebrecht, para viajar por seis nações da África e dar palestras para os executivos locais. No entanto, não há evidência que sugere que Lula esteja perto de se tornar um bilionário”, esclarece o colaborador da Forbes. A assessoria o ex-presidente tem informado que parte desses recursos teriam sido destinados ao Instituto Lula e não a ele pessoa física.
Apesar dos insinuações que circulam em redes sociais de que Lulinha, filho de Lula, teria comprado um jato de US$ 50 milhões e que seria um dos donos do Grupo JBS-Friboi, o texto publicado pela Forbes afirma que nenhum dos rumores sobre a riqueza da família do ex-presidente são baseados em fatos reais.
Boatos que circulam nas redes sociais afirmam que Lulinha comprou um jato de US$ 50 milhões. Compra para bilionário não? Coisa que a Forbes afirma que o filho do ex-presidente não é
Geromel ainda enfatiza que o único brasileiro presente na lista de bilionários da Forbes que lida com política “em tempo integral” é Guilherme Leal, que fez fortuna com a Natura, famosa empresa do setor de cosméticos. Leal foi candidato pelo PV à vice-presidência da República em 2010. Entretanto, antes de oficializar sua candidatura se desligou da Natura.
Por fim, o colaborador da Forbes comenta sobre a ajuda que o governo brasileiro tem dado a bilionários através do BNDES, como o empresário Eike Batista, e afirma que dicas sobre novos bilionários, políticos ou não, são sempre bem-vindas.
Só para constar, Forbes é uma revista liberal dos EUA.
Is Lula, Brazil's Former President, A Billionaire?
Brazilian former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva with billionaire former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I would like to take this opportunity to explain FORBES’ methodology to compile fortunes. FORBES published the first world’s billionaires list 27 years ago. At that time, Japanese Yoshiaki Tsutsumi was the world’s richest and there were 140 billionaires worldwide. This year, FORBES published the world’s billionaire list on March, boasting all-time high 1,426 billionaires worldwide.
FORBES has reporters all over the world valuing individuals’ assets, such as real estate, art, yachts, cash and obviously stakes in public and private companies. We attempt to vet these numbers with all billionaires. Some cooperate; others don’t. We also consult an array of outside experts in various fields. Throughout the year our reporters meet with the list candidates and their handlers and interview employees, rivals, attorneys and securities analysts. Sometimes reporters travel to meet billionaires or even fly with them, like San Francisco-based Ryan Mac did with GoPro founder Nick Woodman. Our work can also be very tedious; Caleb Melby, member of the FORBES wealth team based in New York, states “I read SEC documents like it’s my job. Because it’s my job.” Luisa Kroll and Kerry Dolan are the two editors who oversee all FORBES global wealth coverage and ultimately sign off on the final ranks of the world’s billionaires. They have been tracking the world’s wealthiest people for over 15 years. More details about FORBES methodology here.
Some billionaires publicly do not agree with FORBES’ valuation. An emblematic case is that of Prince Alwaleed, who is threatening to sue Forbes over an article that raised questions about his net worth. Basically, Prince Alwaleed, the nephew of King Abdullah and grandson of Saudi Arabia’s founder, apparently wanted to be part of FORBES top 10 richest and was very disappointed that FORBES ranked his net worth as “only” $20 billion, making him the world’s #26 richest person.
Some other billionaires, including Brazilian ones, react differently to FORBES world’s billionaire list. They would rather not be present in the list alleging security concerns. A few have reached us directly and asked to have their names removed. However, if our in-depth research reveals someone is a billionaire, we will keep his or her name on the list unless the person belongs to a royal family or is a dictator who derive their fortunes as a result of their position of power. That does not mean we run away from fire and we expose some outrageous stories, such as How An African ‘Princess’ Banked $3 Billion In A Country Living On $2 A Day. Sometimes FORBES also explains why a name is not on the list. (See: Here’s Why Janet Jackson Is Not On Our Billionaires List).
After having explained our methodology, I would like to highlight that although there are some billionaires who are politicians, Lula is not one of them. Otherwise, he would, obviously, be present in FORBES annual list. A few examples of politicians who are billionaires: Sebastian Piñera, Chile’s president is worth $2.5 billion, and Michael Bloomberg, mayor of New York City is worth $27 billion.
After stepping down as Brazil’s president, Lula received about $100,000 for a 50 minutes speech to LG in 2011. He has also given speeches to Microsoft MSFT +7.32%, Tetra Pak, and has been paid by Brazil’s top construction companies, such as Odebrecht, to travel to six nations in Africa and give speeches to local executives. However, there is no evidence suggesting that Lula is close to becoming a billionaire.
Lula’s son Fabio Luis Lula da Silva, nicknamed Lulinha, has not (yet) become a billionaire either. Recently, Lula has publicly denied rumours that Lulinha owns a $50 million jet and is one of the owners of JBS, the world’s largest beef producer by sale, with market cap of over $10 billion. Before his father was elected Brazil’s president Lulinha worked as an intern in a zoo. In 2004, a year after Lula’s first election, Lulinha launched Gamecorp, a company that produced content for TV and internet. In 2005, Gamecorp received over $2.3 million from Telemar, today known as Oi OIBR +5.3%. Even though Lula himself stated that his son was the “Ronaldinho of the business world,” Gamecorp has not been doing very well and its losses have added up to over $4 million. There has been a lot of rumours about the wealth of Lula’s family but nothing based on any real facts.
From the 46 Brazilian billionaires listed on FORBES world’s billionaires list this year, the most active in politics is Guilherme Leal, worth $1.8 billion. Leal made a fortune helping turn Natura, Brazil’s version of Avon, into a multibillion-dollar business. He resigned from Natura to run as the Green Party candidate for vice president in the 2010 Brazilian presidential election but he did not win. Today, Leal is also contributing on new ways of doing business as part of the B Team, with Richard Branson,Professor Mohammad Yunus, Arianna Huffington, Ratan Tata and other big names.
Another Brazilian billionaire who did not succeed in politics as he did in business is Antonio Ermirio de Moraes, ranked the 74th richest worldwide. Moraes, 85, lost a bid for governor of São Paulo State in 1986.
In Brazil, there is a general consensus that corruption is widespread and that there is big money involved in politics. In fact, one of the main reasons why so many Brazilians have taken to the streets recently was to protest against the prevalent corruption. Giuliano Mazzantini, commented the post where I describe fun facts about the 46 Brazilian billionaires, “I’m sure that the list will increase if FORBES investigates some of the Brazilians politicians’ bank accounts. But it will take a bit of work, because the accounts are mostly in tax havens.”
It is widely known that the current government has helped many Brazilian billionaires, notably Eike Batista, mainly through BNDES, Brazil’s National Development Bank. However, Leal is the only Brazilian billionaire who is involved with politics on a full time basis. FORBES is always trying to uncover new information and out new billionaires. Tips and leads to new billionaires, politicians or not, are always welcome.
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